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We are continuing with Words Their Way.  Students are grouped in a multiage setting so we can focus on areas of need.  This allows us to dig deeper into patterns, meanings, and vocabulary along with the actual spelling of words.  The students are given two copies of the list so one may be kept at home and at school.

Students are generally tested every five spelling days but we don't have a set test day since our schedule changes occasionally.  Test days will be put into their planners every day once a new list is given.  Each spelling test will include all words from their sorts.

Students have some tasks they are required to do each week, and then some they may choose from.  



Mailing Address
35564 County Road 12 Houston, MN 55943
Primary: (507) 454-9566
Secondary: (507) 896-4112
FAX: (507) 454-9567